Fighting SEO imposter syndrome with facts

brightonSEO San Diego 2023

Google is constantly changing, and keeping up with all the tests, updates, announcements and new topics can feel like a monumental task.

Discussions and lamentations about Imposter Syndrome are rampant in the SEO community, but no one has taken the topic head-on yet, until now!

Cindy Krum will outline why Imposter Syndrome is so common among SEOs, what causes it, and how it can be tamed.

Attendees will walk away with a much deeper understanding of how popular SEO tools, tips, techniques and .... Twitter personalities have on your understanding of Google results, best practices and your job as a whole.

You will be given a foundational understanding of how to evaluate internal and external feedback to really understand what is going on, and the potential impact that you are having in your job.

Lacking confidence in any aspect of your digital marketing assessments, audits and recommendations can limit your effectiveness in your current role, hamper the impact of your communication, and hinder your career advancement in the long run.

More than just a pep talk, this presentation will give you tools and strategies to understand SEO in a deeper way that will give you confidence in your SEO convictions, and the tools you need to confidently communicate your findings, recommendations and successes for better overall impact, job success and satisfaction.

If you or anyone on your team has suffered from Imposter Syndrome, this talk is a must-attend part of the event.

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