In-depth training from specialists

As well as running one of the world’s most popular search marketing conference, we also organise practical, hands-on and in-depth Analytics, PPC, SEO training courses and workshops so you can up-skill in a specific area of search marketing.



If a bonus day at brightonSEO isn't enough reason for you to book one of our training sessions, here are some other things that make our training great:

Experts, not trainers

We won’t waste your time sitting you in front of full-time trainers who haven’t got their hands dirty for god knows how long; we get experts from different fields of the industry on board to give you the information they know works, not just the theory of what’s supposed to.

Specific, detailed and unique

Most training providers are looking for a course they can run month after month, week after week, so they end up being general and catch-all. Not our courses … they’re more detailed and in-depth than you’ll find anywhere else.

You drive the agenda

We don’t drive the agenda, you do. Before each training course, we ask what you want to be taught, and we actually listen. All the workshops we run have been selected because they’re the most commonly requested training subjects useful to you.

Group sizes

The group sizes are ideal, more than a handful to offer a bit of diversity and substance to the day, but small enough that the training can remain hands-on and personal, making sure all questions are directly answered.

The perfect duration

We keep things shorter than a normal office day to keep it punchy. Any longer than that and it starts to drag, any shorter and you’re not able to properly sink your teeth into what you’re covering. Don’t worry, you’ll also get plenty of breaks to network.

Proper food & drink

There’s a couple of coffee breaks, morning and afternoon, and we also provide a proper lunch. That’s right, we’re talking real food with beer and wine rather than soggy sandwiches or mush slopped from a tray.